Closer to Love, Closer to Authentic Self. Closer to Fear, Closer to Inauthentic Self
If the title makes sense to you, I'm glad you resonate. But let's dig into this a little more.

If you're spiritual or religious, I'm going to speak more in these terms. But even if you identify yourself as either or both of these doesn't mean you may comprehend what I mean by the title. Assumption is based on your own minds ideas, not always the thoughts, perceptions, and understanding from another.
If you believe that there is only one almighty God and he is the creator. That life us creation, then every one of us and living thing is a piece of God. Tiny little individual character and mix of the creation that is infinite of possibilities in one little form of life in comparison with hope vast and universal beyond our own imaginative capabilities. We each are a beautiful expression of creation. When we are in tune with our unique authentic self that we came here to be, we become closer to God, as we aren't afraid to express and live our individual purpose and characteristics. When we grow and become conditioned to survive in a world where we want to feel safe and connected, we may sometimes, always, or never reject our own authentic self to please another. That depends on the individual as well as timing in growth and development.
If you love yourself, you are more likely capable to love another without overly depriving your own authentic self and purpose. When you are true to yourself and set boundaries, or not let people overstep or misuse your kindness or needs in order to feel loved, you are protecting the piece of creation you were born to be. You are therefore protecting love, therefore protecting the piece if love God gave you with life. Sure, our parents did the deed to create the body of life, but parents in human form also shape us and unknowingly hurt us at times because we are still different pieces and cauncauctions of God as God is so vast and infinite. If you love God, and you love you're unique authentic self strongly, you will more likely comprehend that other people are unique creations of God and weren't supposed to limit themselves to conform to another to the point of furthering themselves from who they truly are.
In other words, if you ever have the feeling if acting, being suspicious, having to lie, sneak around, walk on eggshells, withhold information or what you truly want to do and be around others, you are not acting in your authentic self and/or you are attracting and allowing people around you who are complimentary of your acting instead of who you truly are. It can be challenging to find people who are truly aligned to you as so many people tend yo put on s survival act in order to be liked, gain or keep a job, person, finances, safety, etc. When people become fatigued and tired of fitting into others likings if it is not in alignment with themselves, they may find themselves to eventually withdraw. The alone time with self to give space and time away from people who may shape and mold us unconsciously can be very difficult for many. That's being self-accoubtable with your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

If you are a safe and loving person, do you do save and loving things to or for yourself?
If you love God, therefore loving yourself, do you love the opportunity of the body you were given to experience life and your purpose? That would mean you would eat, drink, and move with the intentions of nurturing and caring for your body just as a parent you would hope would cater yo and nurture a baby. There is a cause and effect for everything.
If you are a safe parent, why did you make the decisions or did not think of certain choices to protect your baby or child? If you are a safe parent, would you choose a partner who would be a safe co-oarent? Or were choices made for Superficial and external appearances? If you are a safe parent, would you care about yourself so that your child does not have to carry the burdon too early or one-sidedly where they have to forfeit themselves as they still attach and identify themselves with their parents instead of being able to feel safe to develop their own strong individual identity?
The list can go on. But a great question to ask yourself or re-evaluate from time to time is...
Why do I keep doing that to myself?
Where us that coming from?
Because if I love myself, and I'm unhappy or keep putting myself in situations that are not aligned or take from me, is it me? Or am I choosing to keep people who block my growth and life's purpose?
If I embody love, then I know that all I need is myself and do not need externals in order to feel fullfilled. No other person, child, materialistic thing, being validated, envied, etc as you don't need that in order to feel fulfilled as the love God has for you as you love yourself is enough. You would only need just enough to be healthy and be in a state of emotional stability and calm to therefore interact and model that state of being with others. When out of alignment or balance, you will seek wants to try to fill that void of love within you. When that feeling aries where you gave to escape or run away to fill that void, ask yourself why.
We seek comfort in habit, but it is so hard to change the habit, as it's uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But in order to evolve and be more aware and continue we have to overcome fears that are subcontious and programmed from childhood.