I am Natasha Greenwood. I call myself a jack of all trades but a master of none. But depending on your definition of what level of "master" is, I may be a master of many depending on whom I'm encountering and your own personal level of knowledge and expertise.
I have ten years of experience in the personal training industry, working 1:1 with clients with their health goals in the gym and working on their nutrition habits. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Studio Art from the University of Texas at Austin in 2009. I graduated with a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from their online program at the University of the Cumberlands in 2024. I am on my journey of creating the life and lifestyle I want by using all my skill sets, talents, and knowledge that I have accumulated throughout my life thus far. I can either entertain with artistry or guide with wisdom and personal experiences.
My Story
My life's story is quite a book, and I have written one thanks to our period, which makes it much easier for writers to publish their works. We have so much more information and the ability to be or do more than our parents and grandparents before us today. I grew up active with many development skills my mom put me in. I'm half Asian and half Caucasian, and the tough love parenting, I have to say, has helped me become more and more of a resilient human being with this foundation. I am a Libra rising, so my IC (Imum Coli) or childhood upbringing falls in the earthly cardinal sign of Capricorn, the sign of work and career. Plus, I am a Capricorn sun. I have also traveled internationally to 11 different countries so far, and I love experiencing new cultures and ways people live their lives. It also keeps me humble and helps me reflect on what I value and if those values match how I am living.
I have always dreamt of working from home. When I was a child, it was because I strongly believed one parent should stay at home, and I found it vital to have a secure attachment style before knowing what that was. My journey happened to me, more so than me taking directive action in making the journey happen for me. This means that several major life events put me in this pressure chamber of staying or giving a lot of my energy to areas I prioritized, such as family. Plus, I didn't quite know what I wanted to do yet, and I had to enjoy what I did even to motivate myself to continue in the long term. From my father's cancer battle and passing when I was a teenager to help my mom at her restaurant as she also worked full-time elsewhere, I've learned to be of service to others at my detriment. The gym eventually became my escape. It was initially a place where I wanted to work on my body image insecurities. Still, it turned into more of a mental health sublimation and, eventually, my career when we closed the restaurant in 2014. This is when my mother also was diagnosed with cancer. I believe prolonged stress can accumulate to many different illnesses. Fortunately, she is in remission. It was the one thing I did for myself and nobody else.
Eventually, I competed in two figure bodybuilding shows in 2015 and one powerlifting competition in 2021. I did them more to learn at the actual level of doing it, not reading or watching a plethora of information about it. Taking action and persevering through the ups and downs toward your goals are complex when other things are happening to you or for you in life. I'm also a future planner, and after a few years of servicing approximately 300 personal training clients a month for 50 minutes each to pay bills, I knew I couldn't sustain it in my older age. Energy levels drop, and responsibilities also go up. My interest in counseling began as I was already acting as a counselor to many clients between sets. I even gained a much deeper insight into relationships and the lack of awareness and improvements in communication on my end that had emotionally put me in a feeling of emotional pain equivalent to the grief of my father. We cannot control other people and the rate of their evolution; we can only control ourselves. This personal experience and the rabbit hole of research led me to help unravel what kind of relationship I was in and why I was attracted to it in the first place. We all do it on a variety of levels.
I now want to create more variety and freedom by working online. Having that ability to work from home or wherever I am, just like I dreamed of as a child. Creating more art like I used to but incorporating it as pieces of enjoyment and motivation to help along the journey. Our environment matters, and what we have around us or wear can temporarily boost our mood or motivation to persevere when life gets tough. This is where I used to say, "With every blow, I only get stronger," to myself. But for my audience, I now say, "With every blow, we only get stronger."
In Health,
Natasha Greenwood