"ChatGPT: A Blessing or a Curse for Intelligence?"
As a child, having tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly, along with the current version of Microsoft Word, would have been incredibly beneficial compared to 25 years ago. These tools can assist in correcting spelling, grammar, and even rephrasing sentences in various tones, making it simpler to convey ideas effectively. Addressing grammar errors can prevent our ideas from being disregarded, ensuring a more receptive reception when our writing is polished.
Back in grade school, I used to feel discouraged whenever I had to write for my English class and would see numerous red lines and code symbols pointing out errors in my writing. It was overwhelming and perplexing to decipher all the annotations and markings suggesting better sentence placements. However, when these corrections are presented on a computer screen with underlines and codes, along with convenient drop-down options, the process becomes much clearer and simpler. This modern method definitely offers a more user-friendly approach than what previous generations had to deal with. Growing up during the rise of the internet, smartphones, and social media, I have witnessed firsthand how technology can be both beneficial and alarming. It is astonishing how quickly information can be misinterpreted, condensed, confidently shared as truth when it is still debatable, manipulated, and circulated.
When it comes to this question, my answer would be that it varies, as I tend to say about most things. The outcome depends on how you utilize it. If you use it to improve and lend more credibility to your existing ideas, it's akin to choosing a life partner you trust to enhance and support you indefinitely. The underlying idea is that you have already crafted your masterpiece or shared your idea. Considering it as a means to explore alternative approaches or incorporate new perspectives may not be a bad idea, akin to receiving advice from a team of individuals. Ultimately, the decision to adopt these suggestions lies with you. Do these modifications alter your tone or message? I have, at times, employed it to rephrase my existing content. At times, I am pleased with the outcomes, but on other occasions, they do not align with my preferences, causing me to select just a sentence or two from the other options.

People can use ChatGPT for all kinds of stuff I've heard. You can literally copy and paste quiz questions in there and it will pop out the most likely answer. It auto-generates chat pop ups in message chats etc. so you are promptly attended to with at least some basic information before resorting to a long wait on the phone with elevator music. It can defiantly take over the need to use our own problem solving skills and challenging our own minds to work on improving simple things that take many opportunities of practice. If technology were to somehow completely disappear and the elderly died off, that knowledge is wiped out so fast.
Learning the hard way first has a unique impact on us. When we easily achieve something, we tend to become complacent and lose sight of what true difficulty or challenge entails. This concept also applies to working out. Feeling apprehensive and unfamiliar with a task, such as lifting weights, can be uncomfortable if you're not accustomed to that level of challenge. However, gradually putting in the effort over time allows us to truly master a skill. If everything were effortless, attempting something that others have practiced for years would seem daunting and unfulfilling. Building intrinsic self-esteem and self-worth comes from recognizing our progress and journey. Receiving things easily or with little effort may lead to a lack of appreciation and interest. Feeling pressure to perform and keep up, whether externally or internally driven, can motivate us to strive for improvement. In personal endeavors, external pressure can fuel determination to change and enhance our lives. Utilizing tools like Chat GPT can enhance your writing skills, particularly if language proficiency is a challenge. However, using it as a shortcut for academic tasks may hinder genuine learning and impede intellectual growth in the long term.
Therefore, it varies. I would suggest that it is beneficial, but exercise caution in determining its value for the specific purpose you have in mind. If you were born with the internet already in existence. Especially if you were born if social media already exited, your perspective and point of view is different from those who grew up without these things. The pressure to be so prefect and great is heightened when you have access to these kinds of tools to quickly alter not only your words or questions as you can simple Google them or ask some form of technology for the answer. If your writing is exceptional, but then people find when they try to have a conversation with you, there are no ideas that flow from your own mouth, they may question who wrote your book? You can use filters form apps to make you look different and present a different persona to the world than what they would get in real life. But then when they want to meet you in real life, was it within or far off from the truth? The need and importance for perfection and vanity can potentially make people lost and crawl into a deeper hole of shame and embarrassment as they play the part of a people pleaser to the world while rejecting themselves fulfilling a self-inflicted prophecy that didn't have to exist. Having no strong sense of self or who you truly are creates all kinds of problems later on when it finally clicks to a boiling point of not being happy because you've been faking it to make it or be liked, instead of being true to yourself. Maybe that doesn't apply to you, and that's great! It's similar to always depending on someone else to always do the work for you, but if you don't learn to do the work yourself as well, that person will feel used or eventually fade out and leave as you've become a burden to them. It's a balance. All of these things are useful at times and can help, but use discernment. Everyone is different and the application can be used in so many ways I could not possibly write all the versions that may exist!