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An Aries Moon does things the Aries way

Jun 24, 2024

6 min read




If you aren't aware, Aries energy is very fast, impulsive, brave, pioneering, warrior-like, quick thinking, and can get over things faster than many as well as willing to get back up and try again.

I used to not fully comprehend my Aries moon energy as this moon for my own natal chart also sits in it's opposite sign of Libra. I have this duality to it so sometimes it's a mixture of both. But back to the topic. I'm basically saying that I've had many "failures" although I've never really identified them as failures, they just never took off or blew up in a way I'd like to be successful. I would say that I've tried several times in a variety of ways over the many years. With the evolution of technology, every time I have come back to what I have kind of did before, but have started layering new things that have now been invented, technology has also stepped it up to aid in making everything more streamlined! If I hadn't had the previous practice of putting in so many hours trying to figure out something so alien from scratch because I wanted to passionately create something like blogs in the past, I can take the familiarity from the past and re-create it into the new. None of the old "failures" that never truly launched and eventually faded out and no longer exist were all part of the rough drafts of what I am creating today. Today, with Natasha's Creative Wellness and the extra fun stuff that I am adding to it as I seem to have too many interests and talents for one human being to fit into a day, I feel more successful and ready to showcase a more well-rounded and unique portfolio of interests.

We build layers to our own personalized delicious cake. It is similar to going to school, we build upon each year as each year teaching us and challenges us with something new and a little scary and frustrating. Maybe it can be fun too, but that depends on what kind of school and activity you are attending. I remember starting my writing as a terrible writer with horrible spelling and gramatical errors. I can create Ideas and sometimes write non-stop for hours, but I always make dumb mistakes as I prefer to type fast and get the idea out there. When I re-read what I have read, there will be times where I'm not sure how my brain wrote what I was thinking, but for the most part it seems to make sense to me. I started with Xanga in my early college years of 2005, then the next big one I had created a Bluehost blog website which no longer exists I had started due to a traumatic relationship upset in 2019, and now this blog site section created in 2024. It was more like online journaling as well as public catharsis as my past was filled with very challenging life events I was simply trying to cope with while maintaining my own duties. Being a Capricorn Sun in my 4th house of home and family especially during that Pluto in Capricorn transit for 15 years (which I was unaware of at the time) really made me upset and challenged my emotions and sense of keeping emotional stability. My father was battling an almost 5 year chemo and radiation lifestyle with cancer until he passed when I was a sophomore in college. When my x-boyfriend's behavior when I had questioned, not accused, but questioned him on an instagram response on a specific female (which an entire year later found out I hit the nail right on the head like a psychic), his behavior told me the truth without ever speaking or confessing it with words. I was in denial and I was so invested in the relationship, having bought a condo with him and was financially bound, that I was willing to work on it without either of us having the capacity of communicating properly. That was when I had initiated another blog. It was a form of me doing something about it and hoping it would lead to something. That I could at least teach people so many things from my own personal experiences so that they could at least help prevent it for themselves. I've gone through so many life lessons that have tested my emotional capacity, that today it is almost like it is hard to really upset me as you go numb to the painful emotions from the past and develop many layers of callous to protect yourself.

Part of failing is feeling the pain to the point where you will no longer make that mistake or go that far ever again. You don't just think it, you embody and no longer can go there. The bandwidth capacity now changes. Especially with age, you start realizing how precious life becomes as the months feel like days and I can't believe it's already been a year from all these little memories that do not feel like a year ago at all! I'd rather keep trying than give up because I was too scared. I can at least grow and adapt to the mistakes. I'm not at all saying to be reckless or that I have been, I'm usually for the most part pretty cautious and responsible, yet willing to try if I truly feel it is worth the risk and investment.

I had suddenly decided on really starting my own website after many years of thinking about it and feeling it simply was not the right time as I have so many other things that are getting in the way that have taken priority. Memorial day weekend was my time to build. Instead of partying out at the pool and goign to BBQ parties, I was sitting on my butt at home spending hours each day that weekend building and figuring out this website creation platform that I had attempted using back in 2019, but chose not to go with it as it was no where near the development that it is today compared to six years ago. The improvements are awesome and easier to work with! Think of each older generation as they had to do things the slow, old school way which was much harder! Things would simply take much longer, yet they were able to keep and create more of a community having to ask each other for help and direction more-so than the isolation process that the internet and our technical devices has provided. After I started building the website, one thing led to the next. I hadn't anticipated all of the things I would keep adding to it, but since I already have the base idea or creation, I simply turned it into something else that leads to my goal. If I never started and kept looking and researching through a new platform I was and still am unfamiliar with, I wouldn't have built what you are seeing within one month of time! We all have 24 hours in a day, it's just how you use it and where your priorities are at the time. If it's not the time yet for you, perhaps there will be a time everything will finally click.

I've had impulsive relationship energy, not in the way of changing boyfriends like changing outfits. But I've always had this direct "I know" or a knowing of I simply like you in that way, or not at all. Sorry, if I don't see you in that light even if you try to prove yourself, I simply am an immediate yes or an absolute no. But you're nice, I'm sure you'll find your person. The authoritative, and sometimes rude thoughts or way of acting as any Aries archetype weather you are an Aries sun, moon, rising, Venus, or have several planets in the first house, you're like an innocent baby who simply doesn't know any better but is eager to be brave and try to stand up and do the wobble before falling back down. It's innocent, yet sometimes not thinking fully. It's better to try and do, than to think and stay stagnant is more of the cardinal fire way.

Congratulations on reading through all of this. I'm not entirely sure how much failure I embedded in this post, but it essentially chronicles my journey of using blogging as a tool to document different phases of my life, ultimately leading to the development of my final project. The previous rough drafts that didn't make the cut simply weren't meant to, as I wasn't adequately prepared at those points in time. Dealing with grief, both from losing a parent and from a failed relationship, meant trying to hold myself together as life continued to unfold. Turning to the gym allowed me to exert control over the physical pain I inflicted on myself, as opposed to the emotional pain inflicted by others, even if unintentionally. It's all about our perspective on what constitutes failure. I could have viewed each day of hard work, focusing on form and pushing myself just enough to maintain it, as a series of failures due to the slow pace of improvement. However, I didn't see it that way. I persisted through failures until they eventually transformed into successes, noticed by others before I acknowledged them myself. The key lesson is that we learn best by repeatedly attempting something until we achieve mastery at a new level and version of ourselves. It's not just about thinking or pretending to be something you aspire to; it's about evolving and embodying that knowledge and expertise, making it easier and quicker to access compared to when you first started.

#Aries #failures #evolve #goforit


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